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Awards Won Latest Awards UWSAG Awards Sites! Website Awards TopNotch Site!
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The White Swan Award of Excellence (Closed) 2006.09.10
(Confirmed for UWSAG rating on 2006.09.20) The White Swan Awards Program congratulates you for being one of our first winners of our award of Excellence. Your site was hand picked as a great representation of what a quality site should be. You have put forth the best in design, content and navigation. Your site is more than deserving of our award. The reasons for this can be multiple : excellent design, perfect conduct as an award seeker, a continuous effort to improve,... Our award is not easy to obtain, to win our award is a great achievement. You being a winner shows that you have put the effort needed into your site and have made it an asset to the www. Sandra Gerbers |
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Alcazarén Award Program 2006.02.28
Congratulations, your website has been re–evaluated with the present Alcazarén AP criteria and scoring, your rating remains being as good as it was in your previous evaluation. Your website in our AP winners lists has been updated to reflect this new evaluation date, see below for our actual ratings. Note that if you are a old Award winner the award is also a World's Top Award. Luis Vadillo |
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BV. Lindenheuvel (Closed) 2004.06.15
Hallo Tim, Kan ik ook eens een keertje wat in het Belgisch schrijven. In de loop der tijd heeft je site zich dusdanig ontwikkeld dat het bijna onmogelijk is om deze te negeren laat staan vergeten een award te geven. Bij deze ben ik er bijzonder trots op om je mijn "Award of Excellence" te verlenen na overleg met 2 van mijn evaluators. Bij deze van harte gefeliciteerd en veel plezier met je award. Huub |
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Ruth's Haven Awards 2004.03.29
Hello Tim, Congratulations, Your site is the first to gain the Ruth's Haven Diamond Award for 2004. We at Ruth's Haven found your site to be very interesting, informative and exceptionally well presented. It is a pleasure when a site such as yours is on the net. Ruth a.k.a. Angel |
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Dream World Awards (Closed) 2004.02.10
Dear Tim, Thank you so much for inviting us to your site and letting us learn about the bird spiders and the many aspects of them. I want to congratulate you on winning the Day dream award for the site Tim's Spider Corner a much worthy upgrade. You have done a fantatic job on this site, the navigation, color contrast, and all around content within the site was inpeccable and we were glad that you have invited us to view the site. You have alot of informative information on the site and I have learned a lot while visiting. Keep up the great work Tim, you well deserve this award! Thank You The Dream Team |
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4 Elements Award Program 2004.02.02
Congratulations Tim, We, the Elements, reviewed your site and this is what we found: Very sleek design, clean graphics, great use of colors and quick upload. Your theme is well thought out with your graphics. Your information on bird spiders are thorough and educational. I myself owned a few growing up (turantula's) and find any information given on any specified species wonderful! Again, keep up the great work! Yours Truly, the Elements @ 4 Elements Award |
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The Crystal Sea Inspirational Award 2003.12.25
Tim Congratulations, out of a field of 35 nominees your site has won our Inspirational Award for December 2003. It was a real pleasure for us to view your site and to see it become our second Inspirational Award Winner. You have done such a terrific job not only Html / CSS design techniques but in using the latest technologies of Flash. Your site can be compared to many other outstanding resource sites, providing in–depth understanding and information concerning the study of the Bird Spider. you allows the web traveler to view a world that many would consider a phobia and enlighten them to a better understanding and admiration of one of God's creatures and its place among the animal kingdom. you also have an excellent award program, who's credits are indicated by the many fine sites it has awarded and its attention to high standards. These design / content accomplishments can also be seen by the ratings the award program has achieved, Well done Tim, we at "The Crystal Sea" applaud you and wish you continue success in your Spider (web) endeavors and your Award Program. Congrats! Your site has been awarded "The Crystal Sea Inspirational Award". Thank You for making the web experiance a better place. The Sea Team |
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The Crystal Sea Awards 2003.08.26
Tim, I really enjoyed my time on your site as it took me on a fabulous journey into the bird spiders traits and qualities. I cannot say I would raise them myself, but you have the skill and nerve more than most. The pictures were superb and nicely optimized. Navigation well done and load time for a site utilizing flash excellent. You site is a great bookmark for those with your interest and I look forward to visiting your site again in the future. David Bradley |
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The Pantheon Award Program 2003.05.28
Hi and Congratulations Tim! I am very pleased to announce that your submission for The Pantheon Award Program has been approved. Your site was reviewed against the criteria and you have won the Silver Ulysses Award! Great job! Congratulations and best wishes for the future. ~*Nikki*~ |
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The GNAE Award Program (Closed) 2003.05.26
I am delighted to be able to award you our GNAE Awards Programme Silver Award (May 2003). Very informative and well thought out. Site design was pleasant and took on the subject matter very well. Well design and most fascinating site. Rochelle Manson |
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Dream World Awards (Closed) 2003.03.22
Dear Tim, I was very impressed with the information about the spiders and all the content within the site. The navigation was impeccable and the graphics were well done and placed nicely within the site. you have a great site and should be very proud of your accomplishment. Dee |
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Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards 2003.03.08
After thoroughly reviewing your site, we, the Staff of Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards, have decided to grant you our top award : The Award of Excellence. You achieved a score of: 92 /100. A job very well done!! The Staff |
Awards Won Latest Awards UWSAG Awards Sites! Website Awards TopNotch Site!